5 cosmetics and perfume trends post COVID

The smell of baking is very comforting

It’s not all doom and gloom for the cosmetics, perfume and toiletries industries, but our habits and purchasing patterns are bound to change. Here are some cosmetics and perfume trends which are likely to emerge in the coming months. 1. SOAP. Hand washing is now more important than ever. Bar and liquid soap sales should continue to grow, especially antiseptic soap variants. Sales of natural high quality soaps with natural ingredients should continue to grow. 2. SANITISER. Pre COVID hand sanitizer was produced and sold in small quantities, it was not a big volume sales item. Post COVID sales of sanitizer are likely to remain strong. 3. MOISTURISER. All this hand washing and hand sanitizing will wreak havoc with our hands! We will need lots of hand cream to compensate. 4. PERFUME. Very little partying and sexy flirting close to others is going to be happening soon after we are allowed to roam free. Social distancing will continue to rule our lives. So intense seductive or spicy perfumes to attract the opposite sex may not perform as well as light, fresh fragrances which can be enjoyed by the wearer, but don’t have the same sillage levels. 5. PERFUME. After spending so much more time at home cooking, baking and relaxing, we anticipate that fragrances with gourmand notes will start to perform well. Those who have been lucky enough to be able to spend time outdoors during lockdown in nature will also seek perfumes inspired by the natural world. Interested in how COVID has affected the beauty and health industry? Want to see more cosmetics and perfume trends? See our last article https://olivedrab-whale-682220.hostingersite.com/hand-sanitizer-stories/ to find out more. […]

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